Case Study 101
United States Coast GuardAdviro provides environmental services for the Coast Guard’s houses on Yerba Buena Island.
Whether on sea or shore, Adviro is there.
The United States Coast Guard hired Adviro to conduct a variety of environmental testing on several of their houses on Yerba Buena Island. They chose our environmental testing company because we are a GSA government approved vendor with an 5-star reputation and extensive work experience. And as a GSA vendor, that meant that Adviro has been vetted for the certifications, insurances, and documentation required for environmental testing with the government.
For starters, the project required us to work around the accessibility of this secure government site. We needed to test their buildings to evaluate current and future potential hazards. So, to ensure the success of the engagement, Frank Valerga, CAC and Environmental Consultant for Adviro, directed the project.
On September 16, 24, and 26, 2019, Frank and an Adviro sampling technician performed several environmental services.
FIrst, they conducted asbestos surveys of the building sites to meet the National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPs), the demolition regulatory standards set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The team also took asbestos samplings in compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
Then, for the lead surveys, they ensured compliance with EPA’s Renovate, Repair and Paint Rule (RRP) and the OSHA’s Lead in Construction Title 8 regulatory standards.
In addition, radon testing was administered according to the EPA’s regulatory standards.
Careful detail work went into each environmental survey and test. For asbestos, Frank and the sampling technician identified all suspect materials, taking physical samples to verify if asbestos is present. Then, they tested three residential properties for lead in order to quantify how much lead-based paint was present—and additionally took water, dust wipe, and soil samples. And for radon, they obtained samples over a 72-hour period.
Furthermore, the asbestos-lead survey and radon screening included mapping the site and sample locations, and taking physical samples. They utilized specific tools for different building materials. This included items such as a hammer, chisel, scraper, ladder, charcoal canisters and XRF guns. The team sampled materials from the building foundation, exterior, and roof in a specific sequence of tasks that were critical to complete the job.
Last but not least, the reporting process was quick and efficient. As the lab results came in, Adviro’s environmental report writer put the data and project-specific information together, all of which were reviewed by Frank before they were sent out. Better yet, the reports were securely sent digitally by email, and an additional hard copy was sent to the US Coast Guard administrator.
The Chief Warrant Officer, R. J. Viel, was extremely impressed with the work performed by our environmental testing experts—so much so that he recommended that Adviro receive expedited processing into the GSA program so that we could bid on larger government contracts.
– Demolition Survey - RRP | OSHA
– Demolition Survey - Radon
– Screening/Survey

“…I have used Adviro Environmental in the past on several high visibility government-owned properties and have been completely satisfied with their services. Their technicians do an excellent job, are very professional, and they offer the most competitive rates in the area…”
– R.J. Viel, CW03
C.G. Base, Alameda